In the fall of 2019 we imported 3 papered Ardennes foals with the goal of breeding these heavy horses in order to keep this wonderful breed alive. Ardennes are known as an ancient breed mentioned by Julius Caesar and favored by Napoleon for making it through numerous cold tough Russian winters.
They are known to be a very calm, heavy breed averaging around 15 to 16 hands. Ardennes are easy keepers with very kind, tolerant and docile personalities.
We currently have 2 females. Vanda (center) is a bay and Dutches (right) is red roan. Felix (left) the stud is also a red roan.

Learn more about this incredible breed and meet our Ardennes team.

Check out our upcoming events in the Robson Valley. Introducing logging agility fall 2023.

Breeding Stock
Our organically fed flock is primarily Texel crossed with East Friesen dairy sheep and Lacaune.

Certified Organic Lamb
Our sheep live outside all year round except for lambing when we bring the future moms to a shelter to give birth.

Certified Organic Beef
Our certified organic grass fed beef is 14 to 19 months old and is sold by weight, cut, wrapped and frozen.

Working Dogs
We employ a variety of dogs including Livestock Guardians, cattle, and sheep dogs.

Tessa & I met in 1982. We made cheese high up in the Swiss Alps from cows milk on open fire in copper vats.
1988 we moved to Chase BC to become cow bosses on a 250 head cow/calf operation. I wanted to learn how to use border collies since I saw them work in Wales and Ireland before. We also had to learn how to work cows on horseback.
1992 we bought our first farm in Chase Creek. 100 acres. Not big enough for a beef operation. With the help of lots of neighbours we built a milking parlour for sheep and a milk processing plant.
We found our current property of 535 acres in McBride BC. Nobody had lived there for the past 25 years. That gave us the opportunity to build our own home the way we liked it. We started to build up our flock of sheep and herd of cows. Certified Organic.
By the fall of 2019 we were able to pick up 3 Ardennes from Luxembourg and bring them onto Canadian soil. It has been an honour and huge pleasure to rear these beautiful and willing horses.